01403 586 102
Privacy Notice – Customers and Suppliers
ACB Surveyors Ltd. takes the privacy of your data very seriously. This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any personal information that you provide to us. The information may be provided by you when you sign contracts with us or when you provide us with contact details for support or correspondence purposes.
Why do we hold your data?
If you are a customer or supplier of ACB Surveyors, we need to hold and maintain some personal information about you and your colleagues. This information is necessary for the performance of contracts between us.
What sort of data do we hold for day to day contact?
Typically, it will be contact name and address within your company, role, email address and telephone contact numbers.
How long do we hold your data?
When ACB Surveyors no longer needs to keep certain data, we destroy any paper documents securely by shredding and deleting the electronic record in our accounting or support systems. ACB Surveyors retain your information only for as long as recommended by the RICS code of practice.
Who can access your data?
Access to all of your information is strictly controlled and limited to ensure that only authorised employees, or if necessary, approved 3rd party partners have access.
Changes and access to your personal data
You have the right to access information held about you by the Company. The Company has a month to respond to a request. If you would like to find out more about our data retention policy and how we use your personal data, if you want to see a copy of the information about you that we hold or if you have any questions or issues regarding data protection, please email us at enquiries@acbsurveyors.com with the Subject “Data Protection Request”.
If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled any personal data, you can contact us at enquiries@acbsurveyors.com Information about your right to complain can be found on www.ico.org.uk. You can complain by contacting The Information Commissioner’s Office by telephone (0303 1231113) or https://ico.org.uk/concerns/